I know this way to its very end.

I know this way to its very end.


1 min read

I feel like this should be a programming meme: this mathematician and father (Gyula Farkas), his letter to his son (Janos), warning him off trying to solve the 5th postulate (parallel lines) - except I'm substituting the word parallel with Active Record callbacks.

You must not attempt this approach to use ActiveRecord callbacks. I know this way to its very end. I have traversed this bottomless night, which extinguished all light and joy of my life. I entreat you, leave the science of callbacks alone....

I thought I would sacrifice myself for the sake of the truth. I was ready to become a martyr who would remove the flaw from our code and return it purified to mankind. I accomplished monstrous, enormous labors; my creations are far better than those of others and yet I have not achieved complete satisfaction.

I turned back when I saw that no man can reach the bottom of this night. I turned back unconsoled, pitying myself and all mankind
